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2017 general election: Lehighton school board

Published November 03. 2017 10:14PM

There are four open four-year positions and two two-year positions in the Nov. 7 election on the Lehighton school board.

Fran Flickinger

My name is Fran Flickinger and I am running for the Lehighton Area School Board director position. My background: Graduated from Marian High School, Hometown, Obtained an Associate Degree in business/medical secretarial administration from Pace Institute, Reading, served as the executive officer for the Carbon County Board of Realtors for eight years, was a rape crisis counselor/advocate for Victims Resource Center, was an EMT for East Coast Medical and an EMT Instructor for Lehigh Carbon Community College, Schnecksville for many years.

I served on the board of the Carbon County United Way for four years, served as chairwoman for the United Way yearly auction by processing raffle tickets. Did volunteer work as an EMT for the Lansford and Mahoning Ambulance for many years.

We know that by steadily increasing the taxes, this allows the district to expel a fixed income for the elderly using their old assessments, which will create a higher assessment tax base. There will be a district increase of the taxes that are collected until people simply cannot afford them. By doing this, we will use the old phrase, “Out with the old and in with the new.” By raising the taxes every year after year, the people will be forced to move out of the area where they have lived maybe all of their lives.

If elected this November, these are some of the tasks I will do my best to fulfill: Work together in unity so tasks get done in a timely basis. Reduce both spending and the debt. Focus on protecting and educating the children in our schools. Change is needed and by flipping the board the school will be working with a board that will listen to the people and do what is best for the teachers and the children.

Richard Beltz

Richard D. Beltz is a longtime resident of Lehighton, as well are his children and grandchildren.

He is a business owner in that his family has long owned and operated the Beltzville Airport. He is running as a third-party candidate. Straight-party voters will miss his name on the ballot.

As a school board member, Richard will help the district to maintain and contain the expenses of the school.

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