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Tamaqua approves ‘cold weather’ tree

Published November 13. 2017 01:30PM

The Tamaqua Salvation Army and Safer Streets for Tamaqua’s Little Feet will once again be teaming up to provide a “cold weather” tree at Depot Square Park.

Borough Council approved the organizations’ request to place the tree, which will be covered with hats, gloves, scarves, and other cold weather necessities that will be available for the taking by those in need. The tree will be maintained until Feb. 28.

Council also heard from the members of Brownie Troop 33013, who are requesting to help create a dog park in Tamaqua.

“We would like to start by making Tamaqua a better place for dogs and those that love them!” said the letter.

The troop did not have any specific areas in mind, but committed to raising the funds and then continuing to help maintain the area, if they could get a recommendation from council to proceed with the project.

Mayor Christian Morrison said that the idea has already been discussed by members of the Owl Creek Reservoir Commission and that this may be a good opportunity for the Brownie Troop and the commission to work together on the project.

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