Lehighton Borough Council
Lehighton Borough Council also approved the following action on Monday:
• Payment request from Unity Electric, LLC (Metro-Tek) in the amount of $101,142.
• Payment application No. 1 for the Ashtown Drive Bridge Project in the amount of $77,580 pending all certifications.
• Change Order No. 1 for the Iron/Bridge Street Circuit Upgrade Project, extending final completion date by five days due to inclement weather.
• Resignation letters from Alton Steigerwalt from the planning commission and sewer authority; Ryan Saunders from the zoning hearing board, effective Dec. 30; and Clark Ritter from the zoning hearing board, effective Dec. 31.
• Appointed Brian Rubin to the Lehighton Water Authority at their request; Kris Kunkle to the Lehighton Sewer Authority; Robert Mesko to the Civil Service Commission, with his term ending in 2021; and Tanner Eckman as deputy EMC.
• Regina Marzen, Tori Kunkle and Robin Rimbey as part-time employees for the winter recreation program.
• Recognized borough council member Lisa Perry for being chosen the 2017 Carbon Chamber and Economic Development Young Professional of the Year.
• Agreed to change the 5 percent penalty on electric, sewer and garbage accounts, and have future rates set by resolution (ordinance to be amended).
•The resubmission of the FEMA Grant Application for replacement of the fire department’s 1989 Ladder and 1994 Pumper for NFPA Complaint Quint.
• Agreed to advertise the 1997 Bucket Truck for bid.
• Agreed to allow free parking in the downtown until the end of the year.
• Agreed to advertise for the hiring of crossing guards.
• The 2017 Audit Engagement Letter with Hutchinson, Gillahan & Freeh, Inc.
• The borough’s Parks & Recreation Board to hold the third annual Christmas tree lighting on Dec. 2.
• Budget workshops will be held at 5:30 p.m. Nov. 29 and Dec. 5.
• The borough’s Parks & Recreation Board to hold Heritage Weekend on July 6, 2018.
• Agreed to advertise the 2018 meeting dates.
• The 2018 pool flier.