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Tamaqua council hears from Santa

Published December 06. 2017 12:20PM

Tamaqua Borough Council received an unusual communication this month. Santa himself sent a letter directly from the North Pole requesting that he be allowed to advertise his upcoming visit to Depot Square Park to hand out candy canes and take pictures with Tamaqua children.

“Over the past six years, I was able to put signs up at the park along Railroad Street and along Broad Street,” he wrote, “but I know council has enacted a no sign rule.”

Santa was referring to an ordinance enacted earlier this year banning signs from being placed in the Depot Square area without prior approval from council.

In the interest of remaining on Santa’s “nice list,” council approved the placement of Santa’s signs.

Santa will be in the gazebo at Depot Square park on Dec. 15, from 6-8 p.m., and Dec. 16, from 10 a.m.-noon.

Borough work

Borough manager Kevin Steigerwalt also updated council with a list of recommendations for work to be done on the Wabash Culvert over the next 10 years.

“We recently finished a major repair project that went extremely well. In their final report, they recommended a few items we should look at down the road,” he said.

The work for the next five years will cost approximately $150,000, and the work for the following five years will cost approximately $272,000, and includes the replacement of the Railroad Street bridge. “This is not something that will ever be done,” said Steigerwalt. “There will always be something that needs to be addressed.”

Steigerwalt said there is currently about $50,000 left in the Wabash fund, with a percentage of annual tax millage dedicated to keeping it funded.

Steigerwalt said that in response to recent complaints of sewer gas in the South Ward area of the borough, the borough has determined that smoke testing can be done to determine the source of the leaks. He explained the ends of the lines are blocked, and then the line is filled with a harmless smoke.

He suggested that the upcoming holiday break may be a good time to do the testing since the high school and middle school complex will not be in use and flows through the lines will be lessened.

Other business

• Council approved a handicap parking space application for 313 E. Broad St. Councilwoman Kerry Lasky said the signage is already in place, as the space is being transferred from one person to another.

• Borough solicitor Michael Greek advised council the codification review that council asked for earlier this year has been completed.

• Council received correspondence from recently elected councilman James Hull, who indicated he will not be able to serve as elected due to a recent move to Pottsville.

• Council received correspondence from the Eastern Schuylkill Recreation Commission that indicated it is currently undergoing a search for a new director and revamping the program. The ESRC hopes to have a new director installed by January.

• Council received information that they have recently been awarded two grants, a Tree-vitalize grant in the amount of $6,482, for tree planting at the Bungalow Park, and an award for a feasibility study of the Bungalow Pool.

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