Tree planted at Trinity Lutheran Church in Lehighton
An American linden tree was planted recently at Trinity Lutheran Church, Lehighton, by Lee Becker and George Markley.
The tree planting is in honor of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. It also serves as a companion to the silver linden tree sponsored by Trinity that was dedicated in Wittenberg, Germany on Nov. 1.
The Luthergarten planners designated Trinity’s tree as number 443 among the 500-for-the-500th.
Vicar Rich Bergen imparted the “Blessing of the tree” prayer after it was planted and watered. A date of the dedication is to be determined.
A nearby congregation, St. John in the Heights, Jim Thorpe, sponsored silver linden tree 370 on March 15, and dedicated their companion crabapple tree Oct. 29.