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S. Hill churches host open house

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    Stained glass at St. Joseph’s church in Summit Hill. AMY MILLER/TIMES NEWS

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Published December 08. 2017 10:01PM

The 2017 Christmas Open House on The Hill will be held from 2 to 5 p.m. Sunday.

Started just a few years ago by the Summit Hill Historical Society, the Christmas on the Hill continues to draw locals and regional participants.

This year’s open house is organized by Cindi Cleary from Church on the Rock and Deb Ranck from the Summit Hill Heritage Center.

Everyone is invited to enjoy the beauty of the church sanctuaries and the wonderful historical items at the Historical Society and Heritage Center.

The following churches are participating:

1. St Joseph’s Panther Valley Catholic Church, Ludlow Street; open sanctuary decorated

2. Summit Hill Historical Society, Ludlow Street, open static displays

3. St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, White Street; newly remodeled open sanctuary decorated

4. Hope of Christ Presbyterian Church, White Street; open sanctuary decorated

5. United Methodist Church, White Street; open sanctuary decorated

6. Church on the Rock, Chestnut and Hazard streets, living Nativity from 2 to 5 p.m.

7. Summit Hill Heritage Center, Chestnut and Hazard streets; original 1930s crèche and items from the Lee Mantz Historical Collection.

St Joseph’s will have Vespers at 5:30 p.m.

Info sheets located at the Fell St. Deli, Summit Hill Heritage Center and The Mansion House.

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