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Lansford looking to fill mayor’s seat, reopening budget

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    The 2018 Lansford Borough Council is made up of, front row, from left, Vice President Irma Leibensperger, President Jared Soto, President Pro Tempore John Turcmanovich, and back row, Bob Silver, Matt Walsh, Joseph Butrie and Marie Ondrus. CHRIS REBER/TIMES NEWS

Published January 03. 2018 12:26PM

Lansford Council appointed a new president Tuesday night, and opened the search for a new mayor.

Members also voted to reopen the budget that outgoing council members passed last month, which included a 3.7 percent tax increase.

Tuesday was council’s annual reorganization meeting. Democrats Bob Silver and Marie Ondrus, and Republican Irma Leibensperger joined the board after being sworn in earlier this week.

Silver was the top vote-getter in November’s council election, and won the mayor’s job. He chose to take the council seat, leaving the mayor’s position vacant.

When it came time to choose a council president, a majority selected Democrat Jared Soto, who was first elected to council in 2015. Silver and Matt Walsh, a Democrat voted against Soto’s appointment, instead supported a motion to appoint Silver.

Council then selected Leibensperger as vice president, with Walsh and Democrat Joseph Butrie voting against.

Republican John Turcmanovich was appointed president pro tempore, meaning he would preside over a meeting if Soto and Leibensperger were absent.

With the mayor’s seat vacant, council voted 6-1 to advertise to seek borough residents who would be interested in the position. The new mayor will be chosen at council’s Feb. 14 meeting.

Silver voted against. He had made a motion to appoint Robert M. Gaughan to the position, but no other members of council supported it. Gaughan, a former council president, had submitted a letter of interest before Tuesday’s meeting.

“I think we need a mayor because oftentimes we can’t wait 30-45 days to get a mayor. If somebody doesn’t show at a meeting, we need that extra vote,” Silver said.

Soto said Gaughan will be considered alongside any other candidates who apply.

At the end of the meeting, council voted 4-3 to reopen its 2018 budget. Silver, Ondrus, Leibensperger and Walsh voted in favor, while Turcmanovich, Soto and Butrie voted against. It will most likely be discussed at council’s next meeting on Jan. 10.

“I would really like to make a motion to reopen the budget. I think we can find a way to eliminate a 1.3-mill increase,” Silver said.

Council also:

• Agreed to advertise a request for proposals for zoning and code officer services, as well as engineering services. Lehigh Valley Inspection Services currently oversees the borough’s zoning and code enforcement, and Keystone Consulting Engineers serves as its engineering consultant.

• Decided to schedule regular executive sessions for 6 p.m. on the night of council meetings. Regular meetings will still be held the second Wednesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. at the borough hall.

• Named Jim Thorpe Neighborhood Bank, M&T Bank and Mauch Chunk Trust Co. as borough’s depositories, and named Soto, Leibensperger and Secretary-Treasurer Jill Seigendall as signatories.

• Agreed to send new council members Ondrus, Leibensperger and Silver to new council member training conducted by the Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs, with the borough covering the cost of the program.

• Walsh thanked former council members Rose Mary Cannon and Martin Ditsky, who lost their bids for re-election. They were both in attendance. “I’d like to state thanks to both Rose Mary Cannon and Martin Ditsky for their years of public service to this borough. You guys were a help and asset to this borough,” he said.

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