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2018 reorganization meeting: Penn Forest Township Supervisors

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    The 2018 Penn Forest Township board of supervisors, seated from left, are Scott Lignore, Warren Reiner, Tom Cross and Roger Meckes. Supervisor Judith Knappenberger attended the meeting via conference call. JUDY DOLGOS-KRAMER/TIMES NEWS

Published January 04. 2018 12:45PM

Penn Forest Township welcomed new board member Tom Cross at Tuesday’s reorganization meeting. Cross was elected to fill the seat of former Supervisor Christine Fazio, who did not run for re-election. Roger Meckes, who had previously been appointed to serve on the board when Phillip Shedaker resigned, returned having won the two-year term in the November election.

Warren “Butch” Reiner was appointed to continue to serve as chairman. Meckes will serve as vice chairman in 2018. Dana Vitale will continue as confidential secretary and assistant treasurer at a rate of $18.54 per hour.

Tammy McMahon will continue as township treasurer at a rate of $17.11 per hour. Both Vitale and McMahon will be bonded for $4 million.

Reiner will serve as roadmaster at a rate to be set by the township auditors. The suggested rate is $6,500 per year plus $25 for each driveway permit and 0.545 cents per mile reimbursement.

Meckes will serve as assistant roadmaster at a rate of $15 per hour with 0.545 cent per mile reimbursement. Meckes will also serve as personnel liaison for nonunion employees.

Cross will serve as representative to the Carbon County Tax Collection Committee. Meckes will serve as the alternate.

Thomas Nanovic will serve another year as township solicitor at an hourly rate of $120 per hour. Paralegal fees will be billed at $55 per hour.

Mauch Chunk Trust will serve as the township banking facility.

Barry Isett and Associates Inc. will serve as code enforcement, building inspector, zoning officer, assistant zoning officer, code official, sewage officer and water enforcement officer.

Barry Isett and Associates Inc., will also act as township engineers.

William Gibson will serve as township emergency management coordinator. The position of assistant emergency management coordinator is open.

William English, William Miller and Chris Rau will serve on the Planning Commission.

Audrey Wargo was reappointed to serve on the Zoning Hearing Board. Patrick Walsh and Paul Fogel will also serve. Shawn Kresge will continue to serve as an alternate.

The Penn Forest elected auditors for 2018 are James Walck and Robert Boyle. Todd Smith was appointed to fill the unexpired term of Matthew Schutter, who resigned.

Richard Strack, Jennifer Bevilacqua and Richard Tweed will continue on the Park and Recreation Board. There are two openings on the board.

Township meetings will be held on the first Monday of every month, unless Monday is a legal holiday, in which case the meeting will be held on the first Tuesday. All meetings begin at 7 p.m.

The supervisors also adopted resolution 1 of 2018 listing the tax rate for the year.

Real Estate tax is at zero mills, the per capita tax is $5, real estate transfer tax is one-half of 1 percent split with the Jim Thorpe School District. The earned income tax is one-half of 1 percent split with the Jim Thorpe School District. Amusement tax is 2.5 percent.

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