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Lansford Council seeks applicants for board vacancies

Published January 05. 2018 01:17PM

Lansford Borough is seeking applicants to fill vacancies on a number of boards and commissions.

Application letters can be submitted to the borough office at 1 W. Ridge St. by 4:30 p.m. Monday.

The following boards have one vacancy unless otherwise noted:

Planning commission (four-year term, meetings as needed)

Zoning hearing board (three-year term, meet as needed. One voting seat and two alternate seats are available.)

Vacancy board (one-year term, meet only if council fails to fill a vacant elected position within 30 days of it becoming vacant)

Recreation commission (two seats, five-year term, meet last Thursday of each month)

Lansford-Coaldale Joint Water Authority board (four-year term, meet second Thursday of each month)

Council will appoint candidates to fill the vacancies at its monthly meeting at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday.

Direct questions to the borough secretary at 570-645-3900.

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