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St. John Neumann honors local veterans

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    St. John Neumann fifth-grader Lauren Sheckler thanks the members of Catholic War Veterans Post 454 for their service and explains Catholic Schools Week. The school held a ceremony to honor veterans on Wednesday. For a video of the ceremony, scan this picture with the Prindeo app. BRIAN W. MYSZKOWSKI/TIMES NEWS

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    St. John Neumann students raise their hands to indicate that they have family in the armed forces.

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    Catholic War Veterans Post 454 Acting Adjutant John S. Bowen, center left, and Third Vice Commander Richard Huber, center right, award fourth-grader Amanda Gowin, left, and Delaney Erickson, right, for receiving third and second place in the state Patriotic Poster 3-5 contest.

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    Palmerton American Legion Post 269 members salute the flag during St. John Neumann School’s veteran appreciation ceremony, a part of Catholic Schools Week.

Published February 01. 2018 02:54PM


St. John Neumann Regional School honored current and former armed service members with a special presentation on Wednesday as part of Catholic Schools Week.

Sponsored by the National Catholic Educational Association, Catholic Schools Week features Masses, open houses and other activities at each school that highlight the education system and the contributions it makes to the church, community and nation.

“Every day is specific to an event, so today is for our nation. For our nation, we invited veterans to come so we could hold a prayer service for them,” Danielle Marino, advancement marketing director at St. John Neumann, said.

Marino said that the events of the presentation, including a prayer recitation, patriotic song performances, readings from students, and more are meant to recognize the contributions of veterans, and show them how valued they are. Representatives from Catholic War Veterans Post 454 and American Legion Post 269 attended the ceremony.

“We’re making our students great citizens, and it’s important for them to know all the different things that our veterans do for our country, all the things that they did, because they got us where we are today. It’s important for them to appreciate men and women like this,” she said.

The event began with a spirited performance of “America the Beautiful,” with students and veterans singing along together, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Principal Sister Virginia Stephanie welcomed the veterans and children, and then invited Army Reserve Ambassador and Palmerton American Legion Post 269 member George Duell to speak.

“We, on behalf of all veterans, thank you for recognizing the service that we have given,” Duell said. “We appreciate what you are doing today, and maybe in the future, if you are out and about, shopping or visiting with folks, and you happen to run into a gentleman or a lady who is wearing a military hat or something that indicates that they are a veteran, take just a minute and say ‘thank you.’ They will appreciate it very much, especially coming from a young person, who is the future of our country.”

Next, sixth-grade students Eva Schisler, Olivia Handwerk and Susan Gilsbach each took a turn at the podium to offer a reading for the veterans.

“Because of what you do, we can live in freedom, and that fact, and your service, must never be taken for granted,” Schisler said.

“Your defense of our nation teaches us the sense of purpose, readiness to sacrifice for others, tolerance of others, bravery in the face of danger and self-discipline,” Handwerk said.

Gilsbach read Sirach 36:1-5, “A Prayer for God’s People,” recognizing the power and mighty deeds of God, and the role of his people in showing his holiness.

Sixth-grader Sophia Cerimele led the petitions, asking for the safety of all servicemen and women, peace in the world, and that the sacrifices of veterans and military service members were not made in vain.

Megan Matsko, also in sixth grade, read the Prayer for Veterans, thanking God “for all those who have defended our country and for the freedom that their sacrifice has earned America.”

Fifth-grader Lauren Sheckler was happy to be part of St. John Neumann and the effort to pay respect to the veterans.

“I think it was wonderful, because they’ve done a lot for our country, and they really deserve it. They have sacrificed their lives for our country, and they helped us have freedom, so I think it’s very important that we honor them,” she said.

Catholic War Veterans Post 454 Third Vice Commander Richard Huber and Acting Adjutant John S. Bowen presented special citations to two students as part of their organization’s Patriotic Poster contest.

Fourth-grader Amanda Gowin placed third in the state competition, and fifth-grader Delaney Erickson placed second. The girls’ posters will go on to the national competition.

“It was an honor. We asked them to participate in these contests, and they do, and we’re very thankful when they win awards. It’s our honor to give them these awards,” Huber said.

The girls were thrilled with their certificates, which came with monetary rewards as well, and are appreciative of the veterans’ hard work and sacrifices.

“They give us freedom, and without them, we wouldn’t be here,” Erickson said.

“The Star-Spangled Banner” rounded out the day, reminding each member of the audience to keep members of the armed forces in their hearts, and always remember what they have done for the good of the country.

“I think it’s really excellent, and it’s very important that the young people recognize the contributions that these men and women have made,” Duell said. That’s how patriotism continues. They understand the sacrifices, the serious sacrifice of those who never came back, who gave their all, as well as those who have served, who have given up time in their life.”




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