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Summit Hill extends garbage contract with current garbage collector

Published February 13. 2018 03:27PM

Summit Hill Borough Council won’t be seeking bids for trash collection after all; at least not at the present time.

The council agreed during a special meeting on Monday to a request from Tamaqua Transfer Company to extend the trash collection contract with the Schuylkill firm for another year at the current rates.

The council voted unanimously to the request, which means trash collection rates will remain unchanged.

The contract for Tamaqua Transfer with Summit Hill expires on May 31. Last month the council agreed to advertise for bids for garbage collection with the new contract beginning June 1.

The council will retain Tamaqua Transfer for the period from June 1, 2018, to June 1, 2019, at the present rate of $307,815 for the year.

Monday’s meeting was for general purposes, with an executive session held afterward to discuss contract matters.

In other business

• Secretary-Treasurer Kira Steber said one application was received for zoning officer. It was from Dan Guinter of Summit Hill.

The council tabled action on hiring Guinter until they interview him. They hope to do that before the regular monthly meeting on Feb. 26.

Guinter, if hired, will succeed Bill Kirklosky, who resigned last month from the part-time position.

• The council adopted the reopened budget which increases real estate taxes in the borough by 1 mill. Karen Ruzicka was opposed.

• The Cressona Band was given permission to use Ludlow Park for a community concert from 7-8:30 p.m. June 20.

• The council agreed to begin using Rottet Motors of Tamaqua for servicing police vehicles, saying they are unhappy with the service they receive at the facility they presently use.

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