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Special someone? Special plans? What readers had to say

Published February 14. 2018 12:09PM

Today is Valentine’s Day, a time to celebrate love. Or like. Or pizza.

We asked followers on social media a couple questions about what this day, and the one they love, means to them. Here’s what they had to say:


What do You love most about your spouse or partner?

Julie Leopard: There are so many reasons why I love her (Sharon Stokes). I don’t think I can name just one thing. So here are some of the most important reasons:

• When I am with her I am at peace.

• I love the way she looks at me.

• I love that we are our own individuals, yet we are inseparable.

• I love that no matter what anyone else thinks of me, she thinks I’m gorgeous.

• I love her unconditional love for me.

• I absolutely cannot wait to marry her in September!

Sharon Stokes also responded: I love her (Julie Leopard) for so many reasons. When I’m with her I can breathe. I love how she loves me. She is absolutely beautiful. I can’t wait to marry her in September.

Mary Russo: I love my fiancé because he picks me up when I’m down! And he never leaves me alone good or bad. I’ve put him thorough a lot with my bad health and (he) stays with me.

Gabrielle Raditz: His ability to determine which situations require coffee and which require wine, and to surprise me with each every now and then. That whole being my best friend thing doesn’t hurt either, Kyle.

Heather Reabold: His patience!

Orquides Martinez: He puts up with all my (sometimes annoying) quirks and still loves me just as much!


How are you celebrating with your significant other?

Lysa Gallardo Grant: Since you asked, we go out for dinner, but not on Valentine’s Day (too crowded)! Tonight, for example, it’s off to Samba Brazilian restaurant! We exchange candy (dark chocolate for me and Reese’s for him). What I love most is how comfortable he makes me feel and that he knows dark chocolate is my favorite. Only took 22 years!

Valerie Douglas: I have the best husband in the world. He understands his author/wife and her tendency to wake up a 2 a.m. with a *brilliant* idea.

We’ll make our favorite meal — zucchini spaghetti — curl up on the couch and find out what mischief we can get up to.

Shasta Andersen: I just got off the phone with my husband. I asked him what we should do. We both came up nothing. I did mention Dove chocolates and I did buy him TWO cards.

Caroline McMahon: Since it is also Ash Wednesday, I think I’ll give up Valentine’s Day for Lent. On a serious note, spending time with my love is all I need to be happy.

Jenn Holter: It’s the day my kid gets extra candy that I get to eat because she shouldn’t.

Eric Waksmunski: I’m not celebrating because with my wife, every day is Valentine’s Day.

Amanda Lee: We are working. We got each other something inexpensive but Valentine’s Day isn’t really a thing for us.

LaDonna Pigg: We don’t do Valentine’s Day. He knows I would be p***** about overpaying for flowers because it is Feb. 14, and who wants to wait in lines/eat in crowded restaurants with all those other couples. Plus his birthday is (Tuesday) — he really doesn’t like to celebrate it, but I would rather make a fuss over it. And it’s not that my husband isn’t romantic — but surprising me with flowers, jewelry, whatever any other day of the year is much more romantic to me.

I will admit that he brought me to tears a few years ago when he brought our daughter roses and chocolates on Valentine’s Day so that he would always be the first man to do that.

Marie Eastwood: Well I might get a card. And he will get one from me if I remember to buy one. I will probably cook.

Rhonnie Brinsdon: Mostly we just ignore the day and each other.

Delta Dawn Downs: We will be celebrating a much better day than Valentine’s Day. We celebrate Half-Price Chocolate Day on Feb. 15. Mmmmm chocolate.

Kathy McLaughlin Pritchard: Alone! He’s out of town. Wine for me.

Tyra Hattersley: Nope nope and nope. Hubby and I both think it’s a worthless Hallmark holiday. If he wants to buy flowers, he’ll do it whenever during the year, not on one day mandated by the greeting card industry. And it just seems so one-sided, with the guys struggling to find gifts (and expensive ones!) for their gals. Harrumph. Getting off my soapbox now.

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