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Panther Valley moves forward with cafeteria renovation plans

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Published February 16. 2018 02:16PM

Panther Valley School District has decided to move forward with the proposed renovation of the junior-senior high school cafeteria, which was built in the ’70s.

Last week, the school board officially authorized a $1.5 million project to modernize the kitchen and serving area.

Work will begin at the end of the school year, and is expected to be completed when students return to class this fall.

The vote to approve the project was 5-3. Christopher Kerestes, Irene Genther and Wayne Gryzik voted against. Joseph Faenza was absent.

The project will be financed with a seven-year loan.

$250,000 of the project will be paid back out of the general fund. The other $1.25 million will be paid with anticipated profit from the cafeteria fund.

Cafeteria money comes from the federal government, which pays the district based on the number it serves each day.

All Panther Valley students receive free breakfast and lunch because the district qualifies for the USDA’s Community Eligibility Provision. CEP is a program available to low-income districts.

Business manager Kenneth R. Marx Jr. said the payments from the general fund are not enough to require a tax increase.

Schneider Electric was chosen as the contractor for the project. Because the majority of the project is focused on energy savings, no bids were required.


In other business

• The board approved a one-year contract extension with its food service provider, Nutrition Inc., with a guaranteed profit of $196,651.05.

• Kergick endorsed a proposed “Meet the Panthers” event for spring sports. A half-dozen baseball and track parents asked the board if spring sports could get the same honor given to fall and winter athletes. Athletic Director Kristin Black said it’s a challenge assembling the information for the event, but it would be possible with the support of parents, athletes and coaches. Kergick said he is ready to assist if needed.

• The board accepted the resignation of Justine Shamey, special education teacher, effective April 1, or when a suitable replacement is hired.

• The board created two new positions, a part-time school psychologist (three days a week at $135/day) and an independently contracted speech pathologist ($45/hour). They approved Briana Sendatch of Speech Pathology Consultants for the speech pathologist position.

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