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Now is the time for action

Published February 23. 2018 02:36PM

Dear Editor,

I want to preface this letter by acknowledging that our Carbon County commissioners are great guys. They do an excellent job handling the day-to-day issues of the county, and I voted for them. My concern was their intensity when “next level” problems were to confront us. That time is now.

The Bethlehem Water Authority’s proposed wind turbine farm on land they own in Carbon and Monroe counties, if approved, would seriously devalue our county as a destination for tourism. The last I looked, tourism is our main industry. What a surprise, it would bring absolutely no benefit to Carbon County.

Bethlehem Water Authority, would get $100,000 per year from the wind turbine company on property which they pay no property tax on. In fact, they have 23,000 acres that they don’t pay any tax on. It should not be left up to Penn Forest Township to fight this on their own. This experiment needs to be brought to a screeching halt today, because if we, the counties involved, don’t stop this now, we won’t stop them later when they want to add more turbines or maybe a solar panel farm.

The time is now to bring on a heavy hitter law firm to take this case on. A GoFundMe site or something similar needs to be started by those affected or interested to cover legal fees. The Bethlehem Water Authority bully needs to be punched in the mouth now, or prepare to have your lunch money taken for decades. Commissioners, do you have our backs?

John Ferguson

Towamensing Township

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