Towamensing awards paving bid
Towamensing Township’s board of supervisors awarded a bid for their 2018 bituminous paving project at Thursday’s meeting.
Hanson Aggregate Pennsylvania was granted the winning bid at $671,766.60 for 3,126 tons of Superpave Asphalt Mix Design, WMA Leveling Course, 6,276 tons of Superpave Asphalt Mix Design, WMA Wearing Course and 64,633 linear feet of 4-inch double yellow centerline with glass beads.
Dollar General
The land development plan for the Route 209 Dollar General was granted conditional approval subject to a Highway Occupancy Permit approval and the review of a site improvement bond by township solicitor Thomas Nanovic. A site development agreement and a stormwater agreement with two years of insurance were approved beforehand. The store will be located east of Country Junction.
Other news
• A minor subdivision for property on Stagecoach Road West owned by Beverly K. Waibel was granted conditional approval, subject to an easement agreement dictating rights of way and maintenance responsibility for a driveway.
• The SAS Development reverse subdivision plan for a property on Pohopoco Drive was given conditional approval contingent upon two minor edits.
• A time extension was granted for the All-American Concrete land development plan, with the understanding that those involved attend an upcoming planning commission meeting, and produce plans that are appropriate for review.
• The board will hold a workshop to discuss zoning and potential road repairs due to the impact of pipeline construction work at 1 p.m. on March 16.
• The Agricultural Security Meeting is set for 2:30 p.m. on March 15 at the township meeting room.
• Towamensing Soccer Club requested permission to place concrete parking stops at the soccer fields in order to protect a recently installed chain link fence. The board granted the request, and volunteered to pay $844 for 30 parking stops and 60 pins.
• A $310,926 payment from PennDOT for 2018’s Liquid Fuel Tax Fund was received by the township, along with a $3,080 2018 Road Turnback Annual Maintenance payment.
• Fire police assistance for the Raising the House 5K on March 24 and the St. Luke’s Hospital Five and Dime Race on May 12 was approved.
• The board received two letters of thanks from the Palmerton Area Library for a donation, as well as the Valor Clinic.
• Towamensing’s board members stressed that anyone living outside of the township should not bring their recycling to the township, as excess materials increase overall costs to the township.