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School closings, community weather announcements

Published March 06. 2018 01:01PM

The following schedule announcements have been made due to Wednesday’s impending storm. Have an announcement? Send it to Check back for further updates.

• Carbon Career & Technical Institute will be closed March 7.

•  Jim Thorpe Area School District, closed March 7.

• Lehighton Area School District, closed March 7.

• Marian Catholic High School will be closed March 7.

• Northern Lehigh School District will be closed March 7.

• Northwestern Lehigh School District will be closed March 7.

• Palmerton Area School District will be closed March 7.

• Panther Valley Area School District, closed March 7.

• Pleasant Valley School District will be closed March 7.

• Tamaqua Area School District will be closed March 7.

• Weatherly Area School District will be closed March 7.

• All Carbon County offices will be closed on March 7, except for 24/7 operations.

• All Monroe County offices and courthouse will be closed on March 7.

• Schuylkill County Courthouse and all county offices closed Wednesday.

• The weekly Lenten Soup and Scripture scheduled for Wednesday at St. John’s Lutheran Church, South Avenue, in Jim Thorpe has been postponed for this week, due to the impending storm. It will take place at 6 p.m. March 21. The topic is “Genetics and Bioethics.”

• Due to the pending inclement weather Carbon County Community Transit (CCCT) Shared Ride and Lynx Bus services are canceled on Wednesday, March 7.

• Lehighton Area Democrats meeting Wednesday, canceled. A future date will be announced.
• The Carbon County EMS meeting scheduled for tonight has been canceled.




Chestnuthill: The Chestnuthill Recycling Center/Transfer station will be closed Wednesday due to a power outage.

Jim Thorpe: Jim Thorpe Borough has also declared a disaster emergency

Jim Thorpe Borough Public Services made the all call announcement this evening regarding snow parking. Residents need to move their vehicle from the even side to the odd side of the street.

All cars need to be moved off the even side of the street on the designated snow plowing routes. Any cars remaining on the even side of the street will be ticketed.

The Borough Public Services stated that since the snow event will be a prolonged storm keep your vehicle on the odd side of the street until you receive an all call message from the borough.

The designated plowing routes for snow ticketing enforcement include South Street, Center Street, North Street, Lehigh Street, North Avenue, Center Avenue, South Avenue.

In addition if you would like to be put on the all call phone list you can call the Borough Office 570-325-3025, or stop at the Borough Office during normal business hours

Lansford: a snow emergency will be in effect from midnight tonight.

The borough recommends residents take this opportunity to prepare for this potentially high impact storm. Although snow amounts estimates are variable, forecasts are coming into agreement of a foot or more of heavy, wet snow.
Fuel vehicles and generators now, check your medications and be prepared to stay home for the day.

There may be a lull in the storm tomorrow morning, but be prepared for the storm to intensify rapidly with extreme snowfall rates that will quickly render the roads impassable.

Lehighton: Due to the National Weather Service forecast for heavy snowfall in our area, a snow emergency is being declared for Lehighton Borough beginning at 6 a.m. Wednesday. Notice will be posted when the declaration is lifted. 

Summit Hill: There is a very strong possibility that Summit Hill Borough will be affected by a major winter storm of 12+ inches of snow Tuesday night (tonight) through Wednesday evening.

Due to the timing of this storm, the borough is asking for people to plan ahead and have cars moved off the South and East sides of the streets tonight so the plows are able to operate efficiently. Cars should NOT be parked in any alleys, violators are subject to be towed at the owners expense.

Weatherly: Snow ban is in effect.

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation announced that, due to weather conditions, the following Driver License and Photo License Centers will be closed today:
• Snydersville Driver License Center at 4218 Manor Drive in Stroudsburg
• Schuylkill Haven Driver License Center at 972 E. Main St. in Schuylkill Haven
Customers who have skills tests scheduled for today at any of these locations will be contacted by PennDOT staff to reschedule.

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