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Northern Lehigh to accept applications for vacant board seat

Published March 17. 2018 08:30AM

Northern Lehigh School District has set the deadline for candidates to fill an open seat on its board of directors.

The district will accept applications from candidates who wish to apply for the vacancy until noon April 5.

Individuals should write a letter of application to Mrs. Kristie Wilk, Board Secretary, Northern Lehigh School District, 1201 Shadow Oaks Lane, Slatington, PA 18080.

No telephone applications will be accepted. Letters can be mailed or delivered in person.

Personal data or a resume, which will assist the directors in the interviews, should be included in the application.

The vacancy exists after the board on Monday accepted the resignation of Director Debra Bower.

Bower, who was appointed to the board in March 2016, resigned with regrets due to health reasons.

Whoever is selected to fill the seat will serve until December 2019. To serve beyond that, they must run in the municipal election.

Bower replaced former Director Natalie Green, who resigned from her seat in February 2016.

Green was originally appointed to the board in June 2010.

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