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Let’s go higher

Published March 24. 2018 06:54AM

If you hear something or see something, say something. That would make you a whistleblower of sorts. Whistleblowers were ignored by the FBI in Parkland, Florida. If you trusted the Obama administration acolytes to act on whistleblowers you would be greatly disappointed. Obama’s war on whistleblowers is legendary.

Michelle famously quipped, “They go low, we go higher.” How about this for higher: The Obama administration was involved in “fast and furious,” an undercover operation providing guns to Mexican gangs; guns ultimately used to kill border agents. Give guns to killers. Brilliant, so much for gun control.

And higher: Obama released Gitmo prisoners to return to the battlefields to commence killing a second time. Is setting terrorists and murders free going higher? Apparently Obama thought so.

And still higher: Obama SELECTED Kehinde Wiley, a black artist to paint his presidential portrait. Wiley painted two paintings of black women proudly displaying the decapitated heads of white women. Wiley explains, “It’s sort of a play on the kill whitey thing.” Why was Wiley Obama’s artist of choice? The Great Divider’s actions highlight failed leadership.

In Parkland 17 people were senselessly murdered. How do you stop mass murders? Nobody knows the full answer. Possible solutions involve background checks, gun control, teachers packing and addressing mental health.

I suggest three additional considerations. The number of children growing up in broken homes is astounding. The breakdown of the family unit MUST be discussed as a contributing factor.

The mass murders using SSRI drugs is a statistical nightmare. To not acknowledge the role of SSRI drugs in the behavior of children is to turn a blind eye to a causative effect of murderous behavior.

Lastly, Michelle was right, we need to go higher; not with empty, hollow rhetoric but with actions that inspire youth. Children learn by imitation; they need real-life heroes.

Children deserve love and support from caring families, leadership from politicians, safety from law enforcement, guidance from religious leaders, examples from sports heroes, and always truth from media and all authority figures. Given that, children will become today’s and tomorrow’s heroes.

Terry Watto


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