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Stone bridge on Dorshimer Road passes inspection

Published March 28. 2018 12:56PM

Polk Township supervisors were concerned with the condition of the old stone bridge on Dorshimer Road so they contracted with McMahon and Associates to perform an inspection on the bridge.

According to township engineer Russell Kresge Jr., the bridge fared well in the inspection.

“There were no major defects noted and they did not recommend adding a weight limit to the bridge,” Kresge said.

Kresge said that the inspection did recommend that the township add signs and guide rails to the bridge. Some concrete patching and repointing was also recommended as well, but no major structural defects were found.

Kresge said it was recommended that the signs and guide rails be installed within two years. According to the inspection report, the cost of the recommended repairs and signs is about $50,000.

Chairman and township roadmaster Brian Ahner suggested that the township will consider doing some of the work as early as this summer.

The supervisors also reported that the state has notified the township that it will be performing traffic count studies on Tiffany Court, Dotters Corner Road, Silver Fox Drive and Ralph Samuel Boulevard over the next three months.

The county will be conducting traffic count and speed studies on Smith, Dorshimer, Burger Hollow, Lower Middle Creek and Haney roads.

The road department is looking to do paving and sealcoating on Long Mountain Road and Arnold Drive this year. Ahner said that since Eldred Township is looking to double seal coat its portion of Carney Road, Polk will do that road as well.

The Route 209 bridge in Kresgeville is slated to be replaced this year. According to the project team at Plenary Walsh Keystone Partners, the plans are not finalized. A question-and-answer session will be held with residents. Township secretary Ruthann Toner said that the engineer from Plenary said he would take out an ad to advertise the meeting as soon as he has a date.

According to the PA Rapid Bridges website, the project is scheduled to begin in May and run through October. The Interchange Road bridge is the last “Rapid Replacement” bridge to be repaired in Monroe County. All of the other 17 bridges on the list have been completed.

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