Lansford needs borough garage
As a taxpayer for Lansford borough, there is still no borough garage. Council voted on Wednesday, April 11, 2018, for a new police vehicle. Why do they need another vehicle for the town that didn’t change in size? They already have three police vehicles. Again money for police, but no money for borough workers.
However, it seems like we as borough employees are getting singled out. When the new council took over, they already hired two part-timers in the police department. They already have seven full-timers, why did they hire part-timers? Again, always money for the police department, nothing for the street department.
We need a borough garage and a 10-ton dump truck. Basically we need equipment too. Also there was insurance money they got twice for a borough garage roof back in 2008 or 2009 when the windstorm came and 2011 when a hailstorm came. Where’d the money go, they fix alongside the police station.
Mario Marconi