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Where We Live: Stop and smell the flowers

Published April 20. 2018 03:31PM

Take time to smell the roses is a cliché we have heard any times.

A study was made suggesting that people who take time to appreciate the good things in life are happier.

Appreciation and gratitude seem to be strongly connected to happiness.

We need to slow down and notice the little things that make life worthwhile. It is important to know how to be present in the moment; otherwise those moments will pass us by.

Even though I am retired and “have all the time in the world” I still remind myself to stop and take a deep breath and look around me. To stay still, see the peace and beauty in the everyday things and the seasons around me.

Spring seems to always catch me off-guard, suddenly it does arrive. Trees are budding, flowers are poking their heads out of the ground and the birds are chirping. Nature just bursts into bloom, and it is such a welcome relief to the cold drudgery of winter. It is time for me to stop and enjoy Mother Nature.

The word spring has such a cheery ring to it. It makes us feel more energetic and we long to get outside and plant something or just search our yards for signs of any crocuses or Johnny-jump-ups or daffodils.

Here are five ways to enjoy this spring.

Go outside as often as possible. This can be tough as I like to be on the computer or sewing on my latest project or finishing one of my 1,000-piece puzzles. This will stop, and I will spend more time outdoors. After all I have been waiting for this all winter, right?

Pay attention to the little things. I love my backyard. It is small, but so much activity is happening there if I just watch. Trees budding, my flowers are growing, two mourning doves are back to raise a family in their favorite nest. A chipmunk is busy making trips to his hideout. Birds checking out the bird feeders. There is nothing like breathing in the fragrance of the earth on a warm spring day when the plants begin to blossom.

Stop rushing and slow down. It seems I am always in a hurry. I am always busy with something that I feel must get done. Now is the time to go for a walk around the block or just stop at the park for a few minutes in between my errands.

Learn the names of all plants or flowers in your backyard or garden. I am very bad at this. I have so many different flowers and I really don’t know their proper names. Some have grown wild, some I planted many years ago. This would be a good year for me to get out there and learn. It will make me get outside and smell the fresh air and feel the warm sun. I know I will be complaining about it being too hot soon, so I’d better enjoy it now.

Bring the spring indoors. Yes, open the windows and let the sounds, smells and the sights of spring indoors. I love to have fresh lilac in a vase. It always reminds me of the farm where I grew up. My mom would always have a bunch of fresh lilac on our kitchen table in the spring. The smell always brings back wonderful memories of her and my younger days. Fresh-cut tulips from our garden are such a treat.

Spring was a long time coming and I think it is finally here to stay, so get outside and enjoy nature and all it has to offer.

“You’re only here for a short visit. Don’t hurry, don’t worry. And be sure to smell the flowers along the way,” Walter Hagen, an American athlete.

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