Pleasant Valley principal resigns to take new job
Pleasant Valley Intermediate School principal Cassandra Herr has resigned to take a principal position closer to her home in Northampton. The board accepted her resignation last week.
Herr thanked the board for having given her a wonderful opportunity to work within the district. “The school is within 3 miles of my home,” Herr said. “And I have a little girl at home who needs and deserves more time with her momma.”
Each of the directors took the opportunity to thank Herr for her efforts.
“Anyone who knows me, knows I don’t grade high,” said vice president Sue Kresge. “And I have interviewed a lot of principals over the years. But I will never forget your interview. When you left all I could say was wow. And I wasn’t wrong.”
Safety upgrades
The board also approved the advertising of a bid for architectural services for security upgrades on the high school.
“We need to look at the entrance to the high school,” Superintendent David Piperato said. “We need to look into ways of making our schools safer.”
The Future Business Leaders of America presented a check to Dr. Kimberly Yarnall, a chiropractor from Mountain Valley Orthopedics in East Stroudsburg. Yarnell was nominated for the 2018 Leukemia and Lymphoma Women of the Year and is currently on a 10-week campaign to raise money for the disease.
The district held a dress-down day on April 6 and raised $4,642.87 to help Yarnall.
The check was presented by Jonathan Mickens, FBLA president, Trisha Dominick, FBLA vice president, Stephanie Reyes. FBLA treasurer and adviser Denise Hopely.
Yarnall attended with her “Team Kim” teammates which included PV student and cancer survivor, Schyler Herman.
Yarnall will use the money raised to sponsor two research grants.