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South Carbon County seniors win 2018 games

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    Charlotte Koenig and Mike Freund of Palmerton dance the slow dance during the final day of competition. Scan this photo with the Prindeo app for a photo gallery of the event. AMY MILLER/TIMES NEWS

Published May 10. 2018 07:06AM

The 30th annual Carbon County Senior Games has ended and the South has kept its crown.

Going into the final day of competition, South Carbon County, consisting of Lehighton and Palmerton seniors, led the games by a slim margin, but North Carbon County, made up of Panther Valley, Jim Thorpe and Weatherly seniors, wasn’t going down without a fight.

The seniors showed off their bingo, pinochle, rummy and dance skills Wednesday at the Lehighton Recreation Center, but when the music stopped, the dust settled and all was said and done, it was the South Carbon County seniors who came out on top with a final score of 695.

The North Carbon County seniors kept it a close race though, ending with a final combined score of 638.

The results for Wednesday’s events are:

Bingo: Mary Derr, Weatherly, gold; Julie Costello, Jim Thorpe, silver; Barbara Mustacchio, Lehighton, bronze.

Pinochle: Ernie Stauffer, Weatherly, gold; Beatrice Smith, Lehighton, silver; Lewis Hirochek, Panther Valley, bronze.

Rummy: Mike Beshock, Panther Valley, gold; Karen Geiger, Lehighton, silver; Al Fanelli, Jim Thorpe, bronze.

Polka: Linda Bottcher and Linda Daubenspeck, Lehighton, gold; Joe and Barbara Mustacchio, Lehighton, silver; Barbara Herman, Palmerton, and Beatrice Smith, Lehighton, bronze.

Slow dance: Joe and Barbara Mustacchio, Lehighton, gold; Tom Williams and Fran Haas, Lehighton, silver; John and Connie DiJohn, Jim Thorpe, bronze.

Rock ’n’ roll: John and Sharon DeWald, Jim Thorpe, gold; Cheryl Herman, Jim Thorpe, and Barbara Herman, Palmerton, silver; John and Connie DiJohn, Jim Thorpe, bronze.

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