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Carbon County Court news

Published June 06. 2018 11:58AM

Prothonotary’s report

A total of 271 cases were started in May in the office of Carbon County Prothonotary Joann M. Behrens, according to a monthly statistical report released by the officeholder. A breakdown of cases is as follows:

Civil actions, 32; custody complaints, 19; complaints to modify custody, 19; district justice appeal, 1; divorce complaints, 27; complaints in ejectment, 4; license appeals, 2; mortgage foreclosure complaints, 22; name change petition, 1; protection from abuse petitions, 30; protection from abuse of sexually violent individuals petitions, 5; quiet title action, 1; replevin complaint, 1; judgments, 67; miscellaneous cases, 4; stipulations/waivers of liens, 16; and writs of execution, 20. The office staff also processed 129 applications for U.S. Passports and assisted visitors to the office with 45 Passport renewal applications.

Behrens’ financial report for May shows $34,586.01 was generated last month as follows: prothonotary’s fees, $29,054.17; interest income, $5.34; custody/divorce fees, $1,050; PFA surcharge, sheriff, $25; PFA surcharge, courts, $25; data processing fees, $3,537.25; stenographer fees, $889.25; and remote access fees, $3,000.

The prothonotary also remitted $6,148.81 the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Revenue, representing state fees collected locally, and $108.80 to the Administrative Offices of the Pennsylvania Courts, this being surcharges on new custody cases in accordance with Act 119 of 1996. Another $920 was deposited in the Prothonotary’s Automation Fund for future use in automating the office.

Deeds recorded

Franklin Township

Jonathan Godoy to Kenny Pelaez, 59 Walnut St., Lehighton, property at 59 Walnut St., $174,750.

George Dayoub to Raul Mora Gomez, 390 Fairview St., Lehighton, property at 390 Fairview St., $165,000.

Jared H. Becker to Natashia J. Drumbore, 74 Fairyland Road, Lehighton, property at 74 Fairyland Road, $137,800.

Jim Thorpe

Dana R. Pico to Steven C. Slaski, Emmaus, property at 516 Center St., $99,500.

Patrick A. Gremling to Patrick A. Gremling, 62 Race St., Jim Thorpe, property on Broadway, $1.

Seth McLaughlin to Kenneth S. Dudkewic, 111 Laurel Lane, Effort, property at 627 South St., $40,000.

Kidder Township

Rita Russo to Gregory King, Royersford, property on Buttonwood Road, Split Rock in the Poconos, $125,000.

James D. Ferrero to Brian Gibbs, Union, New Jersey, property at 16 Lakewood Drive, Lake Harmony, $250,000.


PJT Enterprises to Melo Enterprises LLC, 870 W. Stagecoach Road, Lehighton, property at 193 N. Seventh St., $10,000.

Lawrence A. Marra Jr. to FMB Barney LLC, Bethlehem, property at 513-515 Court St., $67,068.

Jane Ann Griffith to TKT Miller Partners, 10 W. Broad St., Tamaqua, property at 116 S. Second St., $160,000.

Lower Towamensing Township

Steven H. Geiger to Daniel J. Freundt, 4045 Fireline Road, Palmerton, property at 4045 Fireline Road, $165,000.

Sandra L. Leiby to Kristy L. Newill, 7335 W. Hillcrest Lane, Slatington, property at 3190 Little Gap Road, $1.

Mahoning Township

Central Executive Committee of ODWU Inc. to Barry L. Gruber, 25 Second Ave., Lehighton, property at 336 Rohach Ave., $10,000.


Erik Peters to Victoria Edgar, 1094 Pohopoco Drive, Lehighton, property at 757 Church St., $139,900.

Jeremy A. Smith to Jillian Cabrera, 420 Lehigh Ave., Palmerton, property at 420 Lehigh Ave., $123,900.

Michael J. Taschler to Jennifer Sterling, 803 Edgemont Ave., Palmerton, property at 803 Edgemont Ave., $85,000.

Towamensing Township

David A. Kocis to John Louis Nickel, 140 Chestnut Drive, Lehighton, property at 140 Chestnut Drive, $256,300.


Charles L. Hauser Sr. to Cathy Ahner, 336 White St., Weissport, property at 336 White St., $1.

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