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Lehighton pool plans swim nights

Published June 29. 2018 10:58PM

Evening swims are returning to the Lehighton pool.

Mark Hoffman, chairman of the Lehighton Area Pool Pals, spoke to the Lehighton Borough Council at its Monday evening meeting to get approval for special evening swim admission pricing.

Hoffman told council that people have been telling the Pool Pals about how they used to go swimming at the pool at night. It was called Swimming Under the Lights.

With this year being the 10-year anniversary of the new pool, the organization wanted to bring back the evening swims to the community.

Hoffman said they calculated the cost to run nine evenings of swims to be about $5,000. The pool is open daily from noon to 7 p.m., so adding two hours for an evening swim adds $600 in costs each evening. The organization proposed charging $6 for adults and $4 for children for evening swims that would run from 5 to 9 p.m.

One evening swim has already been held this summer for Community Night.

Each of the remaining nine evening swims would also have a theme with the special price or even free because of sponsorship. The next theme night is planned for July 11. It is Lehighton Elementary and Middle School Night, and the students, teachers and staff of the schools would get in for $1. Everyone else would pay the set admission pricing for the evening swims, Hoffman said.

“We need your blessing for this price structure,” he said.

Some of the council members asked about the possibility of overcrowding.

Hoffman said he didn’t think this would be a problem, but once they near the limit, they will not admit anyone else except for season pass holders. All season pass holders can attend the events for free, he said.

“We want to promote the pool,” said Autumn Abelovsky. “Having positive promotions instills that this is something good for our community.”

The council also asked about children being accompanied by an adult. Hoffman said the policy is that all children under 12 years old must be with an adult. He added that if it rains or there are 15 people or fewer, then the event will be canceled.

The council voted to approve the price structure.

The evening swim nights include:

• St. Luke’s Night at the Pool — 5 to 9 p.m. July 18. All employees from St. Luke’s will pay $1.

• Tribe Night — 5 to 9 p.m. July 20. All Lehighton Area High School students including the Class of 2018, teachers and staff pay $1.

• Nonprofit Night at the Pool — 5 to 9 p.m. July 25. Anyone working for a nonprofit group pays $1 for admission. Homestead Family Services is sponsoring this event.

• Jim Thorpe Night — 5 to 9 p.m. Aug. 1. Inviting the neighbors to the north to come out and swim for $1 each.

• Senior Citizen Night — 5 to 9 p.m. Aug. 15. Anyone 55 and older gets in for free. The evening will feature “oldies” music on the sound system.

There are also some evenings that are free or discounted because of the sponsorship. These include: Family Fun Night from 3 to 8 p.m. on July 14 with Stevie Ray as the DJ; Dive-in with LDI from 7 to 10 p.m. Aug. 4 also with a viewing of the movie “Jaws”; and a free community swim sponsored by Pool Pals and Trinity Lutheran Church from 5 to 9 p.m. Aug. 22. More information about the special events, go to

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