Where we live: Summer is in the air
“Summer, summer, summertime.
“Time to sit back and unwind.”
So are the opening lyrics to the song “Summertime” released in 1991 by DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince.
Yes, the Fresh Prince, as in Will Smith, who believe it or not, was a teenager at one point too back in the day.
Clearly, I’ve dated myself since I’m referencing a song from my youth that’s nearly 30 years old.
It’s just that even to this day, many of the lyrics from that song still resonate with me, especially this time of year.
“School is out and it’s a sort of a buzz
“A back then I didn’t really know what it was.”
Recent high school graduates surely can relate to that verse of the song.
Having covered Northern Lehigh High School’s graduation earlier this month, I can attest there is indeed a “buzz” in the air this time of year.
The anxious looks on the faces of the soon-to-be graduates as they stood in line at Bulldog Community Stadium awaiting their names to be called was priceless.
It was apparent the students had an extra bounce to their step as they walked that aisle and proudly accepted their diplomas.
That raw emotion wasn’t something that was scripted, but rather a natural reaction that was the culmination of their years of hard work.
“And as I think back makes me wonder how
“The smell from a grill could spark up nostalgia.”
Think back to backyard picnics and campfires.
It’s amazing those unforgettable scents and aromas that stick with us even after all these years.
“The temperature’s about 88
“Hop in the water plug just for old times sake.”
That right there makes me want to dive headfirst into the nearest swimming pool.
Again, clearly an image or moment in time we can all tap into.
“There’s an air of love and of happiness
“And this is the Fresh Prince’s new definition of summer madness.”
From graduations, to barbecues, to swimming, the song spans the full gamut of all that is great about summertime.
Perhaps best of all, it reminds us to step back for a moment and enjoy all of the leisurely activities the season has to offer.
“Pop in my CD and let me run a rhyme
“And put your car on cruise and lay back ’cause this is summertime.”