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Where we live: Rain, rain, go away

Published July 27. 2018 09:52PM

As long as I remember, the rain’s been comin’ down.

I know the song is about politics, and that it really hasn’t been raining for my entire life, but I think this week we could all put ourselves in John Fogerty’s shoes when he wrote “Who’ll Stop the Rain.”

The heavy rains have wreaked havoc across the state. Earlier in the week, Knoebels and Hersheypark were closed for multiple days to the point where rides were being disassembled to prevent flood damage.

A photo out of central Pennsylvania showed a groundhog stranded on a fence in Hummelstown due to flooding near Swatara Creek.

Closer to home, Mother Nature blew the roof off a barn in Lehigh County and left debris all over the place in our coverage area.

A rescue attempt Tuesday at Glen Onoko, which is draining on volunteers when it’s 75 and sunny, was intensified by the gushing waters aided by recent downpours. Those folks always do a fantastic job given the circumstances and the frequency with which they are called into action.

The on-again, off-again showers kept us from taking our daughter to see “Hotel Transylvania 3” at the drive-in and, while infinitely less significant than losing a roof, she would probably tell you that brings us ever closer to the end of the world.

On Wednesday, my weekly golf outing became the latest casualty of oversaturation. This one left me deeply disappointed as my opponent in our league this week is my father, and I’ll leave those of you who have played a round with him to determine if that would have been an easy victory.

Consistent rains bring plenty of other problems like people forgetting the law requiring them to use their lights when their wipers are activated. It’s really not that hard.

The good news is it looks like things are going to turn around for the weekend. If that doesn’t happen, please don’t hold me accountable. I write this about four days ahead of time.

Around the same time he was asking who will stop it, Fogerty also penned a song asking “Have You Ever Seen the Rain.”

We can now all answer that with a resounding yes.

Before the rain began about a week ago, I had the chance to visit one of Lehighton’s three summer STEM camps.

“Super Cool Experiments” was a wonderful program put on by Penn State Hazleton and the students really seemed to enjoy seeing the results of their work.

While going around the room taking photos, it was also evident how much kids appreciate the local media coverage.

In fact, one girl told me, “My dad always said he hoped I could get in the newspaper or on television.”

Happy to help. Keep up the good work.

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