PPL rebuilding transmission lines
A transmission line rebuilding project in Carbon and Schuylkill counties is strengthening service for local PPL Electric Utilities customers, as well as all those in a broader area served by the high-voltage electric grid.
The utility is rebuilding almost 7 miles of 69-kilovolt transmission line in Rush Township and Nesquehoning borough from single- to double-circuit. This means the line structures will now carry two individual lines, rather than one.
The project is replacing aging equipment, which strengthens reliability. Adding the second circuit also increases reliability and allows more control for system operators.
The rebuilding of the line began Feb. 28 and is expected to wrap up at the end of November. Reconstruction work to restore the area under the line will likely continue into the spring of 2019.
“This work is part of PPL Electric Utilities’ ongoing investment in its delivery network,” Regional Affairs Director Carol Obando-Derstine said.
“To better serve our customers, we’re replacing aging equipment, installing innovative technology like smart grid, adding strength and flexibility to our network, and making it more resilient against storms and potential cyber or physical attack.”
To learn more about PPL Electric Utilities’ reliability work across our 29-county service area, go to https://www.pplelectric.com/reliability/reliability-projects.aspx.