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Northern Lehigh School Board – personnel moves

Published August 23. 2018 11:38AM

Northern Lehigh School Board approved the following personnel moves recently:

Administrative transfers


Christopher Barnes, middle school English/Language Arts teacher to high school English/Language Arts teacher, at no change in salary; Nicole Nightliner, middle school emotional support teacher to teacher on special assignment, with no change in salary; Elizabeth Case, 50 percent middle school emotional support teacher to 50 percent learning support teacher, at no change in salary; and Raymond Ross, permanent district substitute teacher to Peters Elementary School kindergarten teacher, $54,575 (Step 4 Bachelors + 24 on the 2018-19 Collective Bargaining Agreement salary schedule), all effective Aug. 21.


Vicky Papay, Peters Elementary PCA to Peters Elementary classroom paraprofessional (new position), at no change in salary; Lori Paules, Peters Elementary emotional support paraprofessional to Peters Elementary classroom paraprofessional (new position), at no change in salary; Angie Thomas, Peters Elementary cafeteria monitor to Peters Elementary classroom paraprofessional (new position), $12.28 per hour, 5 3/4 hours per day, five days per week, 180 days per year; Andrea Sicora, senior high school PCA to senior high school Life Skills paraprofessional, no change in salary; Kathy Showak, middle school PCA to senior high school Life Skills paraprofessional; no change in salary; and Elizabeth Trantham, senior high school Life Skills paraprofessional to middle school classroom paraprofessional (new position), at no change in salary, all effective Aug. 21.


Accepted the resignations of Ann Marie Belo as Slatington Elementary School cook’s helper, effective July 13; Dylan Hofmann as half-time family consumer science teacher at the middle school, effective July 23 (he has accepted a full-time position at another education entity); Jacqueline Schuck as part-time cook’s helper, effective July 31; and Tifani Weber as part-time lunch aide/monitor, effective Aug. 9.

Appointment Instructional

Amanda Bariana, temporary professional employee, as secondary mathematics teacher, $48,850 (Step 2 Bachelors on the 2018-19 CBA salary schedule), and Elizabeth Fleming, temporary professional employee, as secondary science teacher, $48,750 (Step 1 Bachelor’s on the 2018-19 CBA salary schedule), effective Aug. 21.

Appointment Noninstructional

Denise Hoadley, licensed health room attendant, $22.58 per hour, 7 1/4 hours per day, four days a week during the school year, effective Aug. 21; Jacqueline Schuck, middle school office paraprofessional, $11.20 per hour, 5 1/2 hours per day, five days a week, 180 days per year, effective Aug. 21; Diana Detweiler, high school cafeteria monitor, $11.20 per hour, four hours per day, five days per week, 180 days per year, effective Aug. 21; Joan Jones, high school cafeteria monitor, $11.20 per hour, four hours per day, five days a week, 180 days per year, effective Aug. 21; Diane Gannon, Slatington Elementary classroom paraprofessional (new position), $12.28 per hour, 5 3/4 hours per day, five days per week, 180 days per year, effective Aug. 21; Michelle Brown, Slatington Elementary classroom paraprofessional (new position), $12.28 per hour, 5 3/4 hours per day, five days per week, 180 days per year, effective Aug. 21; Sheila White, Peters Elementary Life Skills paraprofessional, $12.28, 5 3/4 hours per day, five days per week, 180 days per year, effective Aug. 21; Becky Adams, Peters Elementary PCA, $12.28 pr hour, 5 3/4 hours per day, five days per week, 180 days per year, effective Aug. 21; Lisa Wentz, Slatington Elementary custodian, $13.55 per hour, five days per week, effective July 2; Diana Silvestri, senior high cook’s helper, $12 per hour, five hours per day, five days per week up to 180 student days per year, plus additional cleaning days as needed, per the 2017-2021 Educational Support Personnel Collective Bargaining Agreement, effective Aug. 23; Tifani Weber, Peters Elementary cook’s helper, $12 per hour, five hours a day, 180 student days per year plus additional cleaning days as needed, per the 2017-21 Educational Support Personnel Collective Bargaining Agreement, effective Aug. 23; Tina Beltz, high school cafeteria monitor, $11.20 per hour, four hours a day, five days a week, 180 days per year, effective Aug. 21 (board member Robin Distler abstained from the vote) and Tiffany Jennings, middle school PCA, $12.28 per hour, 5 3/4 hours per day, five days per week, 180 days per year, effective Aug. 21 (board member Michelle Heckman).

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