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Northern Lehigh School Board — co-curricular appointments

Published August 23. 2018 11:38AM

Northern Lehigh School Board recently approved the following co-curricular appointments for the 2018-19 school year:

• Shelby Bailey, middle school student council adviser, $1,373; Christopher Barnes, senior high newspaper adviser, $1,999; Blasia Dunham, middle school newspaper adviser, $504; Jason Graver, middle school Junior National Honor Society Adviser, $229; Tracy Karpowich, sophomore class adviser, $698; Mary Ann S. Mattiola, high school yearbook adviser, $2,648; Krystle Tiedeman, Debate adviser, $1,522.

The board also renewed the appointments for the following co-curricular positions for the 2018-19 school year:

• Susan Bachman, elementary scholastic scrimmage, $481; Colette Boudreaux, senior high fall play director, $3,206, senior high spring musical director, $3,049; David Carroll, senior high band adviser, $5,203, middle school band director, $761; Allison Chruscial, senior class adviser, $698; Blasia Dunham, middle school Junior National Honor Society adviser (shared stipend), $229; Mary Frank, middle school yearbook adviser, $888; Shawn Green, National Reading Olympics adviser, $481; Steven Jonkman, elementary chorus adviser, $651, elementary band adviser, $867; Andrew Kern, middle school web page adviser, $445; Sarah Kunkel, SADD adviser, $611; Michael Lehtonen, senior high Scholastic Scrimmage adviser, $888; Alice Lieberman, Academic Challenge Eight adviser, $481; Nicholas Sander, senior high student council adviser; Janelle Scheckler, junior class adviser, $698; James Schnyderite, middle school chorus adviser, $761, senior high school chorus adviser, $1,903; Tayler Urban, junior class adviser, $698; Maria VanNorman, sophomore class adviser, $698; Ellen Yenser, senior class adviser, $698.

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