What would Jesus do?
As a Catholic, I have been taught that Jesus’ mercy is greater than any sins that can be committed by man; however, I also believe that God is a just God and sinners will be responsible for sins committed during their lifetime, and will face the consequences at the time of judgment.
The current turmoil in the Catholic Church is indescribable to all of us who are practicing Catholics, and to the general population as well. What is transpiring is truly satanic in its nature. Most sex crimes in the public arena are prosecuted and resolved upon proof of the crime, and appropriate consequences are meted out to the criminal.
Not so with the identified pedophile priests. Just report the offense to the hierarchy, transfer them to a different location where the practice can continue, give them positive references for jobs, pay their retirement benefits, when necessary, also pay their car insurance, therapy, nursing care at the manor, plus exorbitant settlements to victims and their families. There was no cost to them, but significant cost to us, the remaining faithful. What would Jesus do?
I think Jesus would forgive the sinner, and ask them to go forward and not sin again. However, that has not been the case in these instances. The known pedophiles are given absolution, and sent on their way. What executive in the public sector would allow this to continue? If they would, I am certain they would be dismissed — but not the diocesan hierarchy! They have abused their station and have passed this disease throughout the church.
I listened to Bishop Persico of the Diocese of Erie. It is his opinion that all complicit leaders in the churches should be relieved of their duties. I agree wholeheartedly! Jesus was a humble man who lived a simple life. He was born in a stable — did not have a second home in the mountains or at the shore, did not live in extravagant mansions — yet, only he is the leader of our church. Any of the leaders who were aware of these horrific acts by priests under their tutelage should be required to pay all the money back to the parishioners whose donations contributed to their lavish lifestyles. They are as guilty as the predators, and they should be relieved of their duties.
If not, the sacrileges will continue. The next time we receive communion, go to confession, have our children baptized, have our elders receive the last rites, will our thoughts automatically revert to whether or not the minister has defiled his consecrated hands?
If you are a priest forever, do what is right for the church and your flock.
With great sadness,
Mrs. Rita Klekamp, R.N., M.B.A.
Concerned Catholic
What would Jesus think if he saw the enormous treasury of paintings, sculpture, jewels, architecture, vestments, books and precious antiquities accumulated over the centuries by the Catholic church? He told us not to store up treasure on earth, where moth and decay destroy and thieves break in and steal, but rather to store up treasure in heaven (Matthew 6:19).
If we truly want to know what Jesus would do, all we need do is dive into His Word... it's good for the soul, and thus His Church.
Mike M
Concerned follower of The Way