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Lehighton hires teachers, administrator

Published August 29. 2018 12:18PM

Lehighton Area School District hired two teachers and an administrator Monday night to help round its staff heading into the 2018-19 school year, which begins Sept. 4.

Thomas McCarroll will fill the recently created administrative position of alternative education/assistant athletic director at a salary of $62,500.

The board created the position in June, shortly after Kyle Spotts, athletic director, also had maintenance supervisor added to his duties.

“Part of this is to help assist (Spotts) with the general day-to-day athletic responsibilities,” Superintendent Jonathan Cleaver said at the time. “In addition, we have always had discussion about bringing the alternative education program back in-house because of the amount we spend to send students to other alternative education programs. Now, with our building projects, we have the room to start our own, and the plan is to bring some of our students back as part of that program.”

In many cases, students with minor infractions are sent to an outside program run by the Carbon County Intermediate Unit or Behavioral Health Associates, for example, for a short period of time.

“Keeping those students in our buildings would also keep them on track with our course work, which is a big plus,” Cleaver said.

Lehighton Business Manager Brian Feick said the district pays around $140 a day to send around 10-12 students to outside alternative education programs.

“Bringing the program back in-house should save between $125,000 and $160,000,” Feick said. “That is in addition to a $75,000 savings from consolidating the athletic director and facility director positions.”

Cleaver said five people applied for the alternative education/assistant athletic director position and three candidates were interviewed.

In other personnel moves Monday night, the board hired Jennifer Lorenz and Nicole Foberg as elementary teachers, both at $43,000.

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Lehighton Area School District
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Citizen David F. Bradley, Sr.

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