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Patriot Day service planned for 9/11

Published September 07. 2018 12:37PM

The Carbon County Department of Veterans Affairs will conduct a Patriot Day Sept. 11 memorial service at 8:40 a.m. Sept. 11 in the Josiah White Park, Jim Thorpe.

All emergency services, veterans organizations and the public are invited to attend the service.

Call it what you will. Were you living at that time?During the September 11 attacks of 2001, 2,980 people were killed (that does not include the monster hijackers) and more than 6,000 others injured. These immediate deaths included 265 on the four planes 2,606 in the World Trade Center and in the surrounding area, and 125 at the Pentagon.Of the 2,980 victims killed in the September 11 attacks, 412 were emergency workers in New York City who responded to the World Trade Center. This included: 343 firefighters (including a chaplain and two paramedics) of the New York City Fire Department (FDNY)
Deaths from 9/11 diseases will soon outnumber those lost on that fateful day.
Call it what you will; but good and innocent people died that day and first responders and those involved in clean up are still dying .
Put your politics aside to honor those who have passed and those who were there to help.

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