Slatington council
The Slatington Borough Council met Monday.
• The borough has invested $200,000 in certificates of deposit at 2.1 percent interest. The money is allotted for sewer projects. It also invested $100,000 in 13-month certificates of deposit at 2.45 percent interest for water projects. The money had previously been in money market accounts, according to Council President Daniel Stevens.
• Mayor Walter Niedermeyer reported that the spotted lanternfly continues to be a problem, and asked that people destroy them if they see them.
• Police Chief David Rachman said the department is looking to hire another full-time officer. Many of their part-time officers are applying for the position, so he thinks they will have a good pool of candidates.
• Council member Bryon Reed spoke for the Highway Committee. They are working on getting a traffic signal installed at Main and Church streets, and will be accepting bids for the project. The committee also considered pursuing a Community Development Block Grant to use for roadwork on Fourth Street, but may not pursue it because there are few houses on the street.
• Council member David Schnaars said the Public Safety Committee is getting three prices for thermal imaging equipment.
• The Human/Community Services Committee’s council member Jason Ruff reported that there a two dead trees on Main Street that could be replaced this fall, but probably will be in the spring.
They have also been discussing ways to revitalize all of Main Street. They are trying to do long-range planning by looking at how they would like to see things progress in the next five, seven and 10 years.
• Informational meetings are coming up, Ruff said. The Northern Lehigh Recreation Authority will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Sept. 20 at the Northern Lehigh School District Office, 1201 Shadow Oaks Lane, Slatington. The Blight Project Team will meet at 9:30 a.m. Sept. 18 at the government center.
• Ruff also said the school district wants to redo the Victory Park Disc Golf Course, and put in two nine-hole courses. He supports letting the school district do the project.
• Council member Joseph Wechsler said they are looking at some bids on Wednesday for the digester project at the sewer treatment plant.
• Reed said the drinking water was tested recently and it was found to be safe for human consumption. The Water/Special Sewer Committee applied for a Water Sewer Grant and should know the result by Sept. 18. The grant would be used for a panel at the water filtration plant.