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Palmerton Area School District

Published September 24. 2018 12:28PM

Palmerton Area School District’s board of directors on Tuesday approved the following:

• An updated bullying/cyberbullying policy.

• The resignation of Jaclyn Kessel as health/physical education teacher, effective Sept. 18.

• The hiring of Josh Rake as a health/physical education teacher at a salary of $45,250, effective Sept. 19.

• Four Vision Sample Goals and Strategies as published by the National School Boards Association as the 2018-19 goals of the Palmerton school board.

• An agreement with James Schwab for behavioral intervention and counseling for the 2018-19 school year at the rate of $100 per hour, if needed.

• A disc jockey contract with Lehigh Valley Events for the Sept. 29 homecoming dance.

• The resignation of Jennifer Lichtenwalner as a substitute teacher.

• Keith Smith as a part-time flex custodian at the rate of $13.42 per hour.

• The resignation of Becky Adams, cafeteria employee.

• Matthew Trapp as an elementary teacher substitute.

• Jason Gehman as a volunteer boys basketball coach and Donald Heiney as a volunteer umpire.

• A donation of $598.24 for a bench from the Class of 1961.

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