Artists display works at community fundraiser
On Thursday Blue Mountain Ski Resort hosted an evening of art, music and hors d’oeuvres for Carbon County Community Foundation’s “Art with a View” fundraiser.
CCCF Executive Director Amber Breiner said five works of art sold and five more were auctioned.
“That’s great news for local artists,” she said. “There are people willing to buy artwork in our region.”
Among the artwork that sold, the prices ranged from $95-$450. The final tally is still uncertain, but Breiner said it looks like the foundation raised more than $8,000 for the Carbon County Creative Arts Fund.
The fund was established to support artistic pursuits for the benefit of the Carbon County region. The foundation is committed to support nonprofit organizations, charitable programs and individuals pursuing the creative arts ranging from tangible works to music and film.
The mission of the CCCF is to elevate Carbon County to “be a place where artists are encouraged to hone and share their talents, where traditional and new forms of expression are welcome, and where opportunities for community members to engage with the arts are promoted throughout their lifetimes.”
Artists displaying at the event were Desha Utsick, Doug Didyoung, Edie Roeder, Jay Davenport, Lynn Shupp, Mary Coover, Mary Anne Shafer, Milan Melicharek, Randall Sellers and Stephanie Verme.
Musicians Brett Andrew, Kyle O’Brien, Skyler Stabin, and Vince Degiosio and Christie McGorry performed.