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It’s Déjà Vu all over again

Published November 03. 2018 07:02AM

We are now reliving 1917 Russia and 1933 Germany. Anarchy and rioting reign. This is all because there are elements who wish to overthrow our form of government. They are following formulas set forth by Lenin, Marx and Alinsky. They violently riot and protest, overwhelm the population with illegal invasion of unskilled, uneducated people, cause mistrust and hate between men and women and they stir up racial divides. They push for the dumbing down of the younger population by promoting a drug culture and eliminating very important educational studies, such as history and civics.

If people do not know the events of the past, they will have no idea how to face future problems. They attempt to show men how to become more feminine and vice versa. Their attitude toward marriage, the family, birth out of wedlock, and murder of the incubating fetus is becoming acceptable.

They have been attacking the pillars of our society, family, religion, law and education for many years. The impudence of these people in their desire to overturn our constitution by changing or twisting the meaning of the words of our founders is profoundly frightening. They would delete the Second Amendment. Lenin took guns and other weaponry from citizens; that did not work out well for Russia. How many other amendments would they erase?

All those in public office including our Congress, FBI, CIA etc. take an oath to protect and defend the constitution. Are those who wish to change or overthrow the constitution guilty of treason or merely perjury?

I paraphrase the words of a man who most people feel was great. “Now we are engaged in a great civil war testing whether this nation or any nation so conceived and so dedicated can long endure. Is overthrow or secession on our horizon? Tip O’Neill, a popular politician from the 1980s, said, “All politics is local.” He was right! You will get what you vote for.

Communism and socialism are not compatible with our constitution!

Nos Drovia, comrades!

Walt Fagan,

Jim Thorpe

Bravo Walt... Bravo!
The problem in America? Educators. Our educators have been slowly drinking bad KoolAid, and they're passing it on to our children. Oh... we also have Fake News.
Lincoln didn't have to deal with lies in the media, and in the classrooms.

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