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Pleasant Valley votes to approve full-day kindergarten

Published November 09. 2018 12:02PM

Students in the Pleasant Valley School District will attend kindergarten full time next year.

Last month, the board and the public heard a presentation from curriculum director Susan Mowrer Benda and Pleasant Valley Elementary principal, Roger Pomposello regarding the district’s possible move to a full-day kindergarten program.

On Thursday evening, director Donna Yozwiak made a motion off the agenda asking the board to vote on the implementing the full-day kindergarten for the 2019-20 school year.

The motion passed with affirmative votes from all of the directors that were present. Robert Serfass and Russell Gould were absent from the meeting.

“I would have voted yes at last month’s meeting, but I wanted to give (District Business Manager Susan) Famularo a chance to really look at the numbers,” said Vice President Susan Kresge. “I just wanted to get a better understanding of the cost. I am pleased to vote yes.”

The cost of implementing the program will be $973,697, most of which will be salaries for new employees, according to the presentation last month.

The recurring cost will be $728,064.

“We have put together so many incredible learning experiences for our students,” Laura Jecker said. “It’s time for us to do the same for you kindergartners.”

The vote received high praise from Superintendent David Piperato, who has been a strong advocate of the move since his arrival at the beginning of last school year.

The district is also looking to add a remedial math instructor to the elementary school for the 2019-20 school year.

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