Pleasant Valley addresses substitute shortage
Every year the Pleasant Valley School Board is faced with the question of making sure that the district has an adequate number of qualified and available substitute teachers.
In the past two years, the district has raised the per diem rate to match other local districts, but the number of subs continues to be an issue.
District Superintendent David Piperato addressed the board Thursday evening along with Director of Human Resources John Burrus.
Burrus has been tasked with finding new, more aggressive ways of attracting qualified substitute teachers to the district.
Burrus outlined a number of ways he will be seeking out candidates to fill the positions, including reaching out to retired teachers to work as day-to-day substitutes. Burrus is also working closely with East Stroudsburg University.
Burrus will take part in a mock interview program with graduating seniors and will be given an opportunity to address seniors regarding employment with the district as a substitute. Under Act 86, students with education majors are permitted to work up to 20 days during the school year once they have achieved 60 credits.
Piperato also addressed the idea of having a full-time building sub for each of the district’s buildings. The building sub would be a new hire and would be hired at the same pay level as a full-time teacher, but would be used as needed throughout the building.
Piperato acknowledged that there would be a greater expense, but added that this would be a great opportunity for career development for a new teacher and would free up remedial staff who are often called away from their responsibilities to fill in as substitutes.
The board also approved the Comprehensive Plan for 2019-22 for the district. The plan, which had been available for review on the district’s website for the past month was drafted by a committee made up of administrative and professional staff, a school board member and members of the public.
The goals of the plan are:
1. To improve student performance and achievement.
2. To provide a safe school environment for all students and staff.
3. To improve methods for effectively communicating with our school district residents.
4. To design and deliver a comprehensive staff development program for all classifications of personnel that ensures a cycle of continuous growth and improvement.
5. To conduct studies that focus on current and future facilities and staff needed by the school district to improve efficiency of operation.
The plan is available on the district’s website for review.