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Coaldale offers holiday incentive for part-time officers

Published November 15. 2018 01:30PM

Coaldale Borough is offering part-time officers an incentive to work holidays.

Borough council approved a request from Police Chief Keith Krapf to increase the pay rate for five holidays — Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Easter and the Fourth of July.

Part-time officers would receive $27 per hour on those days, a 50 percent increase over their normal pay rate of $18 per hour.

Despite the increased pay, council hopes the move will save the borough money.

Currently part-time officers are paid $19 per hour on holidays. If no part-time officers agree to work the holiday, then the borough has to pay a full-time officer. Under the current collective bargaining agreement with the department’s four full-time officers, the borough pays about $60 per hour for them to work on holidays.

“If the part-timers say no, then we have to pay our full-time guys double time, double time and a half,” said councilwoman Claire Remington.

Police committee chair Yvonne Stoffey said the borough has a tough time getting part-time officers to work on holidays.

“Hopefully that will entice them to pick up the shifts,” she said.

In other business

• Council announced it would not be holding budget workshop meetings scheduled for Nov. 28, Dec. 5 and Dec. 30, because they are not necessary.

• Council reappointed Peter Radocha to the Coaldale, Lansford, Summit Hill Sewer Authority.

• The borough Christmas tree lighting has been scheduled for Nov. 26 at 5 p.m. at the borough office.

• Andrew Girard was appointed as an as-needed part-time snowplow driver.

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