If only I were president
In an ideal world if you were president, what would you do? I would do the following:
A) Ensure the safety of the American people by keeping out all undesirables and by building the strongest military in the world.
B) Promote education, especially for school children by eliminating common core, promoting school choice and returning control to state and local authorities - remove all federal interaction.
C) Abolish Obamacare and eliminate financial penalties on citizens not enrolled in a health care plan. Replace Obamacare with personal doctor choice - supplement costs for low-income families on a graduated scale with federal funding, maintain medicine and Medicaid.
D) Encourage small-business growth with low-cost loans and abolish unnecessary, overburdening regulations. Promote large business growth with tax incentives, a simplified tax code, and linking administrative pay to the average pay of employees at a workable, realistic ratio. Men and women are paid equally, PERIOD!
E) Enforce our legal system based on the law of the land - the constitution. Sharia law banned, safe speaking zones banned, sanctuary cities banned. Children couldn't be expelled for saying, "God bless you." And everybody could say "merry Christmas" without fear of reprisal.
F) Tolerance for all - Religious freedom but not a get out of jail free card for illegal acts - racial equality for all ethnicities and questionable authoritarian acts decided in a court of law - persons of all sexual persuasions treated fairly and respectfully but not to the point of forcing views or discounting people, agree to disagree. All unresolved disputes handled by a court of law.
G) Encourage and instill patriotism - don't run from or hide our history - it is a winding road with potholes for sure, but also a road that provides service areas and rest stops, beautiful and not so beautiful views. Through it all, our road with be brighter with the illumination of truth - not perfect, no road ever is, but traveling this road together we can "make American great again."
A registered independent
Terry Watto