Carbon County Planning Commission
Carbon County Planning Commission made recommendations on a number of development plans during its monthly meeting on Tuesday.
• MD Developers LLC and Dennis Blocker, received plan approval for a proposed lot consolidation at the intersection of North Seventh and Ochre streets, Lehighton. The plans call for splitting one lot that consists of four old lots into two new lots at the property.
• Debra Kay and Joseph Bennett/Automotive Financial Services received conditional plan approval for a proposed lot line revision at 60/90 Blakeslee Boulevard Drive East, Lehighton. The plans call for creating two lots but there are discrepancies in the size of the lot based on the plan and the review.
• Debra Kay and Joseph Bennett also received conditional plan rejection for a proposed lot line revision and development at 60 Blakeslee Boulevard Drive East, Lehighton. The plans call for constructing a 6,114-square-foot building, a 3,200-square-foot dealership building; and parking areas. No other details were outlined.
• No action was taken on a lot line revision from Parryville Properties LLC and Mark Stemler for combining two lots into one new lot. The commission’s comments will be sent to Parryville for inclusion in discussions before any action is taken on the plan.