Protect the Poconos
Dear Editor:
Carbon County is on a mission to urbanize the Poconos with multiple land development projects along Route 903 south of the turnpike interchange in Penn Forest Township. Dozens of properties spread over hundreds of acres are being cleared in preparation for commercial and residential development. These projects could have direct and indirect environmental impacts on locally significant natural areas in Hickory Run State Park, Weiser State Forest, Bethlehem Watershed and nearby state game lands.
Natural communities along the Route 903 corridor have been severely compromised by the construction of the 903 Turnpike Interchange completed in 2014. These natural communities are home to rare species of plants and animals unique to the Poconos. Mitigation measures such as replacing historic, naturally occurring wetlands with artificial man-made wetlands at remote locations are poor substitutes for what was lost at the interchange.
These same natural communities now face new threats from energy development and the impending commercial and residential development along Route 903 in Penn Forest Township. Once these habitats are fragmented or disturbed, they quickly become vulnerable to invasion by nonnative species that crowd out native flora and fauna. Air, water, noise and light pollution associated with development are major threats to these sensitive habitats. Before proceeding with land development projects in this area, Carbon County planning officials should consider what is at stake when development encroaches on globally rare habitats in the Poconos that cannot be duplicated or replaced anywhere else in the world.
Juliet Perrin
Let's not forget, all this added business will increase Carbon Dioxide in Carbon County. That's good isn't it?
Oh... please stop referring to influx of New Yorkers and New Jersey people as an "invasion by nonnative species." Have some respect.