Misleading immigration propaganda
Dear Editor:
The article by Matt Guedes and Joao Sequeira that appeared in the Times News on Sept. 20 really should have appeared in the editorial section, since it not only told the rather sweet story of the Sequeira family of Palmerton, but also included misleading propaganda on Donald Trump's proposals on immigration.
If Trump is elected, literally thousands of immigration enforcers will needed. Millions of families who have lived among us, including children who speak only English, will be taken by trains or buses to the border. Presumably immigrants from Guatemala or El Salvador who lack the necessary documents will be flown into airports and "deplaned." What Trump will do is create a refugee problem far worse than the Syrian crisis.
The article even managed a dig about demands to speak the language of immigrants. I don't know of any immigrant groups who demand that I speak their language.
By the way, I am a descendant of a group of immigrants who continued to speak their home language for well over 100 years - the Pennsylvania Dutch.
Roy Christman