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Nesquehoning officials issue reminder on bill due dates

Published January 28. 2019 12:12PM

Nesquehoning officials remind residents that beginning June 1, all bills for borough services must be received either in person or by mail in the borough office by the last business day of each month or they could face a penalty.

The exception is if a resident pays online. If that is the case, payment is due by the last day of each month.

Nesquehoning has an online billing service for the town’s sanitation and sewer bills.

RoniSue Ahner, borough secretary-treasurer, said that a notice has been posted in the front office to remind residents of the change.

To set up online payments, go to

In other matters, Nesquehoning is looking at its part-time police recruiting.

Borough council recently discussed taking a look at the hourly pay for their part-time force, as well as possibly making changes to the requirements for applicants who already serve on another police force, and incentives to help keep part-timers on the borough police.

Officials have previously talked about looking into hiring a part-time police secretary to help free up officers from clerical work so they can be patrolling.

Right now, Nesquehoning has five full-time officers and is in the process of hiring additional part-time officers to help with coverage.

No formal action was taken on the matter.

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