Nesquehoning council
Nesquehoning Borough Council discussed or acted upon the following items during its meeting last week. Councilmen George Sabol and David DeMelfi and Councilwoman Rosemary Porembo were absent.
• Approved the purchase of seven three-phase pumps for three of the borough’s pump stations. The borough will purchase the pumps from Martin at a cost of $58,800 through the Co-stars program. Martin will also complete shaft and gear box work at a cost not to exceed $10,000. The work will be billed hourly.
• Approved purchasing a Ford F250 from Kovatch Ford for the borough sewer department. The cost is $49,811.
• Emergency Management Coordinator John McArdle updated the borough’s annual emergency operations plan.
• Council instructed solicitor Robert Yurchak to write a letter that will be sent to the Lansford-Coaldale Joint Water Authority regarding the fire hydrant system at Lake Hauto. The issue with the fire hydrant system in the private development has been a matter of discussion for years because it provides inadequate fire protection as it stands now.
• Council approved the request from Gary Williams, Carbon County 911 communications director, to install a radio and outside antenna at the police station.
• Approved the reappointment of Shawn Quigley to the Nesquehoning Water Authority.
• Approved the amendment to the borough’s alarm systems ordinance, which covers avoidable fire alarms.
• Approved an agreement with Lake Hauto Club for the dry hydrants in the private development. The club has already approved the agreement.