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Palmerton school board

Published January 30. 2019 02:40PM

Palmerton Area School District’s board of directors recently:

• Approved the 2019-20 Lehigh Carbon Community College Operating budget of $41,858,590 and capital budget of $11,716,302. This includes a provision that total budgeted expenditures can be exceeded to the extent that total revenue is exceeded.

• Accepted the audit report dated June 30, 2018, as presented by Gorman and Associates, P.C.

• Approved the 2019-20 general operating budget of the Carbon Lehigh Intermediate Unit 21 in the amount of $3,104,595 for the fiscal year July 1, 2019, to June 30, 2020.

• Approved the first reading of policies on nondiscrimination/discriminatory harassment-schools and classroom practices, nondiscrimination-qualified students with disabilities, nondiscrimination/discriminatory harassment-employment practices, field trips, language instruction educational program for English learners, hazing, HIV infection, purchases subject to bid and child abuse

• Appointed Darlene Yeakel as a member of the Carbon County Area Vocation Technical School Authority for five years

• Retroactively approved the Kit’s Interactive Theatre Contract for two performances on Jan. 9, 2019, for Towamensing Elementary School

• Approved Colleen Bollinger as a substitute cafeteria employee

• Approved the retirement of Robert Brown, custodian, effective June 30, 2019

• Approved the retirement of Dianne Smelas, high school guidance secretary, effective Nov. 22, 2019

• Approved Meagan Wentz as a long-term substitute teacher, effective Oct. 1, 2018

• Removed Elizabeth Esrang, Jackie Kinsella, Jessica Gildner and Jessica Peifly from the substitute list.

• Accepted the resignation of Joseph Tobia, cafeteria employee, effective Jan. 8, 2019

• Approved the termination of Josie Sterling, cafeteria employee, effective immediately

• Accepted a donation of $500 worth of golf supplies from Penelope and Tyler Price

• Accepted a donation of $9,000 from the Bowmanstown Rod and Gun Club

• Reappointed Ryan Kish as delegate to the Carbon County Tax Collection Committee.

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