Carbon County Court news
Prothonotary's report
A total of 362 cases were started in September in the office of Carbon County Prothonotary Joann M. Behrens, according to a monthly statistical report released by the officeholder. A breakdown of cases is as follows:
Civil actions, 28; custody complaints, 23; complaints to modify custody, 17; district justice appeals, 5; declaratory judgment, 1; divorce complaints, 15; complaints in ejectment, 3; equity action, 1; license appeals, 4; mortgage foreclosure complaints, 20; protection from abuse petitions, 29; replevin complaint, 1; court rules, 1; court appointment, 1; judgments, 165; miscellaneous cases, 2; stipulations/waivers of liens, 5; and writs of executions, 41. The office also processed 54 passport applications and provided assistance to the public in 40 passport renewal applications.
Behrens' financial report shows $30,441.96 was generated last month as follows: prothonotary's fees, $26,734.20; interest income $3.86; custody/divorce fees, $250; PFA surcharge, sheriff; $54.50; PFA surcharge, courts, $74.40; data processing fees, $3,325; and remote access fees, $1,200.
The prothonotary also remitted $3,785.05 the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Revenue, representing state fees collected locally, and $38.40 to the Administrative Offices of the Pennsylvania Courts, this being surcharges on new custody cases in accordance with Act 119 of 1996. Another $790 was deposited in the Prothonotary's Automation Fund for future use in automating the office.
Deeds recorded
East Penn Township
Shirley G. McFarland to Kyle L. McFarland, 276 E. Sunset Road, Lehighton, property at 276 E. Sunset Road, $1.
Jim Thorpe
Philip L. Herman to Joseph P. Marzen, 301 Center St., Jim Thorpe, property at 301 Center St., $100,000.
Kidder Township
U.S. ROF III Legal Title Trust 2015-1 to Ivonne Barreto, 636 W. Oak Lane, White Haven, property at 636 W. Oak Lane, $65,000.
George W. Forsyth Jr. to Jordan R. Land, New York, New York, property at 54 Doe Run, Lake Harmony, $135,000.
Charles F. Reed to J.J. Utopia LLC, Mount Pocono, Laurelwood Stage II, Unit 470, $165,000.
Brian S. Erbe to Brian S. Erbe, 335 W. Ridge St., Lansford, property at 335 W. Ridge St., $1.
Mahoning Township
Douglas Coombe to Carrie Stewart, 170 Pleasant View Drive, Lehighton, property at 170 Pleasant View Drive, $224,500.
David M. Mackay to Adam Richard Weaver, 208 Manor Lane East, Lehighton, property at 208 Manor Lane East, $160,000.
Rosemary Coniglio to Ricekehoff and Benjamin LLC, Allentown, property at 223 E. Catawissa St., $14,500.
Penn Forest Township
Mary Suzanne Ackerman to Mary Suzanne Ackerman, 106 Indian Trail Road, Jim Thorpe, property at 106 Indian Trail Road, $1.
Gabrielle S. Weinblatt to Irwin Mark Weinblatt, Rego Park, New York, Lot 1002, Section A, Indian Mountain Lake, $1.
Summit Hill
Carol A. Keller to Vincent Conover, Allentown, property at 329 E. White St., $12,000.
James J. Melnick to Brent J. Berger, 111 S. Oak St., Summit Hill, property at 111 S. Oak St., $16,400.
Lorenzo Centrella to Lorenzo Centrella, 1009 Norman St., Weatherly, property at 1009 Norman St., $1.