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Nesquehoning VFW auxiliary meets

Published March 20. 2019 12:46PM

The February meeting of the VFW Auxiliary to Nesquehoning Memorial VFW Post 8008 was held on Feb. 8, with President Christa Kattner presiding.

One new member application was received and approved. General orders 7 were read and filed for action. Two thank you notes were also received.

Under youth activities, prizes for the Voice of Democracy and Patriots Pen programs will be ordered, along with random acts of patriotism coins.

Banner applications are still available from the post home.

Under community service, 52 hours and two books of stamps sent by members. A bloodmobile was held on Feb. 13.

A Valor stand down day was held on Feb. 16 at St. John’s church in Lansford.

On Feb. 16, the auxiliary celebrated the 70-year anniversary of its charter with an open house at the post home.

Donations were made to the National President’s April visit to Pennsylvania and the Pennsylvania Outdoor Veterans.

The March meeting was held on March 8 at the post home. General orders 8 were read and filed for action. Two thank-you notes were also read.

Under membership, the auxiliary has now reached 100-plus percent for 2018-19 and received a monetary award from national.

It was also noted a Pennsylvania Voice of Democracy entry, submitted by Christine Troll of Somerset, took first place at the national level. Troll, a home school student, will receive $30,000 in scholarship assistance.

Sixty-eight hours of community service were reported; a bloodmobile visit is scheduled for April 10.

Under veterans and family support, 60 cards and two books of stamps reported, along with a monetary donation received.

Buddy Poppy Days at Redner’s will be the weekend of May 3-5.

A sign-up sheet for the Poppy king, queen and court is available at the post home. Children and grandchildren of members from the ages of 4 to 12 are eligible to sign up and should be available for both the local Memorial Day Parade and the Veterans Day Parade in November. The names will be selected at the April 12 meeting.

The annual Easter party will be held on April 13, beginning at noon. This is open to children from birth to 10, and the child must be preregistered. The sign-up sheet is located at the post home. Deadline is March 31.

A donation was made to the Department Arthritis Fund.

A committee meeting will be held on March 23 to do the year end reports.

The next meeting, which will also include the Nomination and Election of Officers for the 2019-20 year, will be held at 6:30 p.m. on April 12 at the post home.

All members are urged to attend.

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