Supreme court at the heart of the election
Dear Editor,
All of the attention being given by the media to the candidates' tax returns, emails, untrustworthiness, health issues, women's issues, foreign connections, etc. is all so much fluff. Nobody should decide who to vote for based on reports by the media on these things, because each side has their own agenda, and they will tell you what they think you want to hear.
There is one important concern for voters and it will affect our country for years to come.
The Supreme Court is down one judge, due to the death of Justice Scalia, and two of the other judges are up there in age. Supreme Court judges can serve for life. So the question of how they vote on cases brought before the court is important because they can uphold or strike down laws made by the states and federal government for the rest of their lives.
The next President of the United States will get to appoint at least one new judge (to replace Scalia), and possibly two more, to the Supreme Court, and they will serve for life.
So the question for voters is this: do you want to elect a president who will appoint judges who will interpret the Constitution in a liberal, progressive way, using the European model of government law as a basis for some of their decisions, and leading the United States down the path it has been on for the past eight years? If so, then you should vote for Mrs. Clinton.
If, however, you wish to elect a president who will appoint judges who will interpret the constitutionality of laws in a constitutionally conservative way, not legislate from the bench, not base decision on foreign law models and lad the United States in a different direction from the one it has been on for the past eight years, then you should vote for Mr. Trump.
The real issues is what direction we want our country to take in the future. President Obama promised us change, and we got it. The question is, are you happy with the change that we got, or are you ready for something different?
I met Mr. Trump many years ago, when he did something incredibly wonderful for the people of New York, by fixing the Wollman Skating Rink in Central Park. IHe was very gracious and I believe him to be a honorable gentleman and a good business man whom I believe can bring jobs back to our country. I know he supports our military and our veterans and law enforcement officers. He has my vote.
Anne Girard